All giving is done in the spirit of
”Faith, Hope and Charity”

Elizabeth “Chee Chee” Thunder Bird Haile and father Chief Thunder Bird



The Padoquohan Medicine Lodge, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, founded in 1994 has worked to honor our ancestors. They lived productive lives on Long Island for well over 25,000 years - sharing land, sea and natural resources - standing in mutual support of each other and their fellow indigenous people.

Chief Thunder Bird and Edith Thunder Bird (Shinnecock) are the inspiration of this prayer circle known as Padoquohan Medicine Lodge, Inc. Their teachings, beliefs and examples continue to live on.


The Padoquohan Medicine Lodge (PML) has been working tirelessly throughout the last 2 decades to support fellow tribe members who struggle with food insecurity and lack of housing.

In addition to case-by-case assistance, PML has been on the front lines of countless fights to protect our ancestral lands and ancient burial grounds. PML Chief, Rebecca Hill-Genia, also serves on the Shinnecock Graves Protection Warrior Society and has aided in the repatriation of many of our ancestor’s remains.

Bianca, Newequash, Tohanash, Cheyenne, Nadonis and Kaysha - Granddaughters and Grandnieces of Elizabeth “Chee Chee” Thunderbird Haile